Emberpoint (NovaStrike) Melee Audio Rework
In this blog I’m gonna show my process for how I redid all the audio for my team’s capstone project, Emberpoint.
Over the course of the first semester, I started to get more and more irritated with how the game sounded as a whole. A lot of sounds from the design team were placeholder and didn’t sound nice. The sounds I also had created previously were not at a level I was happy with, especially since I had just finished doing a BUNCH of redesigns for my new audio Reel.
To fix the problem of the audio I wasn’t happy with my plan was to take out ALL of design’s placeholder audio and redo ALL the audio I had done from scratch.
I also wanted to utilize Reaper for the first time as I had discovered it had some useful features involving Reaper to Wwise Implementation.
For these recordings, I had to record them in a modular way so that I it sounded as if the lines were programmed instead of being voice acted.
Reaper definitly took a little while to get used to.
In comparison to Ableton it felt like I wasn’t able to do as much out of the box in comparison to my favorite DAW.
However, I did slowly start to discover some things that were GREAT about reaper.
For example, being able to create Subprojects, like being able to have a project dedicated only to executions was AMAZING.
ReaWwise was also an amazing plugin to have!
It allowed me to export whatever I was working on Straight into Wwise which saves me SOOOOOOO much time. I love it!
Being able to use Reaper for the first time was definitely an eye-opening experience, and Now I can start to see times when I might rather use Reaper instead of Ableton for certain audio situations.