Join Sisyphus in his quest for revenge as he weaponizes the very rock chaining him down to steamroll and swing his way to the top of Mount Olympus, while breaking a few laws of physics along the way.
Physics Bending Platformer
Sisyphus was a semester-long project where I worked with a team of 8 developers from Cornell University to create a fun and engaging physics-based platformer. This game was then later published onto Steam as a free game for anyone to download! My main contribution to the game was as Music Composer and Audio Design.
During this Project I was in charge of:
Creating a unique music composition to fit the theme and pacing of the game.
Mix and Master music and sound files to sound clean inside of the game.
Create high-quality sound effects that could be integrated into the game.
Helping team members understand how to create clean usable audio assets that could be integrated into the game.
Video of me Recording the Bass Guitar for "‘This Rock is My Sun’
Ableton Project for ‘Should’ve Chained a Bigger Rock’